Lives Left:
Bombs Left:
High Score:
How To Play
You take command of a small white triangle spaceship that shoots projectiles. Survive by taking out as many enemy shapes as you can!
Pressing the SPACEBAR will use one of your 2 bombs and wipe the board of enemies. You are given 2 lives, if an enemy collides into you then you will lose a life.
Wander Enemies wander aimlessly
Follower Enemies will slowly follow you
Avoider Enemies will follow you and try to avoid your incoming bullets
- W: move up
- A: move left
- S: move down
- D: move right
- ← rotate left
- → rotate right
- P: pause game
- R: restart game
- (spacebar): bomb
- Source code: Github
- Music: The Pirate And The Dancer by Rolemusic